26 research outputs found

    Hubungan Faktor Penularan Dengan Kesakitan Demam Berdarah Dengue (Analisis Lanjut Data Riskesdas 2007 Di Jawa Barat)

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    Pemberantasan demam berdarah dengue (DBD) belum berhasil menurunkan jumlah penderita secara bermakna meskipun angka kematian bisa ditekan Di Jawa Barat, faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD belum banyak diketahui sehingga pemberantasan yang dilakukan masih berdasarkan kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD, dilaksanakan dengan melakukan analisis lanjut data hasil Riskesdas 2007 di 10 kabupaten/kota dengan incident rate DBD tertinggi. Dilakukan dengan menganalisis hubungan variabel independent yaitu jumlah penghuni rumah, pemanfaatan posyandu, kemudahan air sepanjang tahun, keberadaan tandon air, status gizi, kesakitan campak, dan kesakitan TB paru dengan variabel dependent yaitu kesakiran DBD. Analisis bivariat ditujukan untuk mengetahui hubungan masing-masing variabel independent dengan dependent, dilanjutkan dengan analisis multivariat untu mengetahui variabel yang dominan serta untuk menduga peluang terjadinya DBD. Analisis dilakukan pada data hasil Riskesdas 2007 di Kota Cimahi, Kota Bandung, Kota Sukabumi, Kabupaten Cirebon, Kota Depok, Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Bogor, Kabupaten Indramayu, Kabupaten Bandung dan Kota Bekasi serta keseluruhan di 10 kabupaten/kota. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan variabel kesakitan TB paru, variabel kesakitan campak, variabel jumlah penghuni rumah, dan variabel status gizi, berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kejadian DBD sehingga berpeluang menjadi faktor risiko kejadian DBD. Analisis multivariat yang dilaksanakan pada data di enam kabupaten/kota dan pada data gabungan, hanya di Kabupaten Bandung, Kota Bogor dan gabungan data 10 kabupaten/kota yang menunjukan adanya interaksi antara variabel independent dalam hubungannya dengan kesakitan DBD. Peluang terjadinya DBD bisa dihitung berdasarkan variabel kesakitan TB paru, kesakitan campak dan status gizi

    Pengaruh Kondisi Tajuk Dan Aplikasi Getar Terhadap Produksi Nira Aren Di Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

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    Plant sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is a plant that provides economic benefits, social, and conservation. Nira is one of the sugar plant products of high economic value. The research objective was to determine the effect the condition header tanamaan juice and shakes application to the production of sap. The study was conducted in October and November 2015. Materials and tools used in the study is the sugar plant, jerry cans shelters sap, a knife to cut manggar, hose, refractometer, and digital vibrating tools used machineMetode therapy is a method of observation. Data were collected for the sugar plant with a dense canopy, medium and light. Application shakes performed on plants with dense canopy and as control is a plant that did not receive the application shakes. All treatment was repeated three times. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that the condition of the plant canopy affect the production of palm sap. Average production of sap in the sugar plant with a dense canopy, moderate, and lacking in a row as much as 12.50, 9.13, and 4.56 liter per day. Application shakes 2 times for 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon were able to increase production 67% juice, where the total production of the juice for 18 days leads to the receiving application manggar shakes and controls are 236.3 and 141.6 L / plant. The average sugar content in the sap of approximately 16% brix

    Variasi Genetik Pada Kombinasi Uji Provenans Dan Uji Keturunan Araucaria Cunninghamii Di Bondowoso-Jawa Timur

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    A progeny test of Araucaria cunninghamii seedling seed orchard was established in 2008 at Bondowoso, East Java. Eighty open-pollinated families collected from six seed sources (Fak-fak, Jayapura, Serui, Wamena, Manokwari and Queensland) were tested. The trial was designed as Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) comprised of 80 seedlots, 4 tree- line plots with 4 replications. The anitial spacing was 4 m x 2 m. The growth analysis at 5 years old was aimed to know performance of 6 seed sources.The result showed significant differences between families within seed source for both height and diameter growth. The average of height growth was 7,0 m and diameter was 5,1 cm. Indivual heritability estimates for height and diameter were 0.32 and 0.48 respectively while family heritability estimates for height and diameter wer 0.49 and 0.72 respectively. Genetic correlation between height and diameter was strong and positive (rg = 0.83)

    Genetic Parameters on Combination Provenance-progeny Test of Araucaria Cunninghamii Origin From Manokwari (Papua) in Bondowoso, East Java

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    Araucaria cunninghamii as long fiber pulp raw material needs to be considered in the future which is currently imported from other countries to supply long-fiber pulp raw material in Indonesia. The improved seed sources need to be prepared early to determine the genetic gain. Combination provenance-progeny test of A.cunninghamii in Bondowoso, East Java is one of the researches that it was built to produce improved seed of A.cunninghamii in the future. The trial is laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 28 families, 4 trees per plot and 8 replicate with a spacing of 4 x 3 m. The results show that the average of height and diameter growth at the age of 5 and 10 years were 5.47 m; 8.20 cm and 16.05 m; 20.59 cm, volume/ha of the trees were 8.02 m3/ha and 74.52 m3/ha, and mean annual increment for volume were 1.60 m3/ha/year and 7.45 m3/ha/year. At 5 years old, stem diameter was significant between provenances, while at the age of 10 years significant differences for both traits. At the age of 5 and 10 years of family and individual heritability values were moderate, h2f = 0.40 - 0.50, h2i = 0.2 - 0.3; and h2f = 0.40 - 0.47, h2i = 0.28 - 0.29, while within family heritability (h2wf) was 0.41 - 0.48). Genetic correlation at age of 5 and 10 years was quite high (rg=0.62; 0.82). Estimation of genetic gain for height and diameter by within family selection was 0.10% and 0.07% for 5 years and 0.53% and 1.01% for 10 years

    Perbandingan Bobot Hidup, Karkas, Giblet, dan Lemak Abdominal Ayam Jantan Tipe Medium dengan Strain Berbeda yang Diberi Ransum Komersial Broiler

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    Rooster medium type are constitute by-product of effort petelur's chicken hatch, one that is developed as breed of flesh producer. The success of the farm rooster medium type is influenced by many factors both external and internal factors. One of the internal factors which is also important in determining the growth rate is strain. The research aimed to determine the strain of roosters medium type which has better live weight, carcass, giblet, and abdominal fat by giving commercial broiler ration. This research was up to 7 weeks of held from 19 May--7 July 2012 in the chicken coop of Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The roosters used are roosters medium type strain Isa Brown and Lohman as many as 200 heads (with each strain 100 tails). This research consisted of two treatments, those are T1: Roosters medium type strain Isa Brown and T2: Roosters medium type strain Lohman. For each treatment consisted of 20 experimental plots with the trial unit for each plot is 5 heads. Of each that slot is taken 1 chicken to be made sample for pruned. The data obtained from this research was analyzed by using t-student test with significant level of 5% (Steel and Torrie, 1993). The variables observed were live weight, carcass, giblet and abdominal fat. The result of this research shows that: strain Isa Brown having living wight and karkas's wight the better than strain Lohman , although wight giblet and resulting abdominal fat both of strain that not different reality (P>0,05)

    Distribution Target Strength In Waters Bengkalis Demersal Fish Province Riau

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    This study uses data that has been taken in the period from October 31stuntil 7 November 2013 Bengkalis Bodies housed in Riau Province . This Methodis the method of acoustic survey and measurement of environmental parameters at5 stations that has been set. Distribution of value TS dernersal fish are in the range-70.00 dB to 30.00 dB. The fish demersal dominate in Bengkalis waters are indepth strata 40-50 meters and in the strength of the target range -70.00 dB to -30.00 dB with the highest number of targets on the 2nd leg of the total target of 11027 targets. Variations in the distribution of the value of TS mengindeksikan thatthe fish were detected including inshore fish schooling . Bengkalis depthrelatively shallow waters led to changes in temperature and salinity distribution ofvalues in each station is not significant. Distribution of temperature and salinityvalues Bengkalis waters tend to be uniform with an average temperature of 30.16° C and an average salinity of 26.2 ppt

    Pertumbuhan Sengon Solomon Dan Responnya Terhadap Penyakit Karat Tumor Di Bondowoso, Jawa Timur

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    A provenance stands of sengon Solomon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & JW Grimes was establishhed in Bondowoso, East Java in 2011. One provenance seed consisting of 25 families originated from Solomon Island were used in this trial. Provenance stands was designed by rows column design (incomplete block) involving 8 blocks, 4 trees per plot (plot tree) with a spacing of 3 m x 2 m. Several characters were observed i.e: survival rate, height, diameter and the presence of gall rust diseases; the observations were undertaken every 6 months from 6 months old up to the age of 18 months. The results showed that the mean of survival rates ranging from 75% to 90%; with the average survival rate of 84.83% (6 months), 83.26% (12 months) and 81.05% (18 months). The mean height and diameter of 6 months old (2.42 m, 2.97 cm), 12 months old (4.74 m, 5.56 cm), and 18 months old (7.35 m, 7.39 cm). Varian analysis of height, diameter, disease severity and intensity showed that there were no significant differences between families. All of families attacked by gall rust disease, however family number 2, 8 and 23 showed the lowest respond of attack compared to other families. Therefore, those families can be recommended for future development in terms of toleration to the gall rust disease

    Analisa Kimia Kayu Pada Tanaman Araucaria Cunninghamii Aiton Ex D.don Untuk Bahan Baku Pulp

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    Araucaria cunninghamii is one of the endemic needles tree species grown naturally in Papua. The material used in the study is wood of A.cunninghamii that was planted in the first-generation of progeny test in Bondowoso, East Java. This study aims to determine the characteristic chemical properties of A.cunninghamii wood from some provenances as raw material for pulp. Disk of wood samples were taken from the stem at 50 cm above the ground with 5 cm of thickness. Testing chemical properties include the levels of toluene extractives soluble in ethanol, hot water soluble extractives, holocellulose, cellulose and lignin. Data were analyzed to determine the effect of provenance to chemical properties of wood. The results of study showed that wood sample of A.cunninghamii contained 73.33% holocellulose, 46.39% cellulose, lignin 30.56%, 1.19% ethanol solubility and 1.34% hot water solubility. Based on the composition of chemical substances contained in the wood, A.cunninghamii generally has good quality to be used as raw materials of pulp and paper